


Importing data into a Redmine Wiki ??

Added by T N almost 10 years ago

We have a very complex Wiki instance with about 1,000 cascading pages.
IE: The top level page contains many links to child pages. And the
child pages contain links for more child pages. And the structure goes
many layers deep.

This Wiki was exported from Confluence to an HTML tree. I can browse
throughout this HTML tree of cascading pages using firefox. All the
linked child pages seem to work.

Are there any tools to import this HTML structure into a Redmine wiki?
It would be near impossible to recreate all 1,000 pages by hand.

The key is to find a method that follows all the cascading child pages
and imports them automatically. A "one page at a time" method would be
very time consuming and very easy to get the cascading page links correct.

Is this a lost cause or has someone done this before?

PS: I can also export the Confluence Wiki as an XML tree if that provides
any other options.