


Hide certain changes in the ticket history

Added by Frasen Schmitt over 10 years ago

Is it possible to hide certain type of changes from the ticket history? For example, I would like to only show comments and no other updates like "% done" etc.

Also I was wondering if it's possible to change the headline of the ticket where it shows the issue number in large font. I find the ticket number byitself not very helpful. I did rather see the Subject first, maybe prefix by the issue number. However, to display "Feature 34" as the very first info is not very telling. Better would be "34: Customize ticket templates". I did rather see the type of tracker somewhere further down, because to me it ain't so important.

Similiar thing goes for "Update by FIRSTNAME LASTNAME hh:mm ago". I would like to drop the "Update by" and "ago", because to me it just clutters the ticket.

Replies (1)

RE: Hide certain changes in the ticket history - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hello Frasen,

It is possible to make a custom plugin to override Redmine's templates.
To do that, you need an empty plugin (You can check the Plugin Tutorial) and you need to create view files with the same name as the Redmine views you want to override.
It's a bit technical,

