


Test email not sending

Added by Jack Berkowitz about 16 years ago

Redmine is working fine, except that I can not configure to send emails (running 0.8.1)

The system seems to be configured properly per the forums. I have enabled email error reporting, and no errors are thrown. The test email screen reports that the email was sent to the email address correct.

The only thing that seems strange is looking in production.log. Here, there is a blank for the address of the email:

Processing AdminController#test_email (for at 2009-03-02 13:49:51) [GET]
Session ID: 1710e849b2e0e695a90cce06972cd8bb
Parameters: {"action"=>"test_email", "controller"=>"admin"}
Sent mail to
Redirected to http://localhost/redmine/settings/edit?tab=notifications
Completed in 1.09400 (0 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.03100 (2%) | 302 Found [http://localhost/redmine/admin/test_email]

Any help is appreciated.

Replies (4)

RE: Test email not sending - Added by Jack Berkowitz about 16 years ago

Never mind! Got it all working. The problem was related to the email.yml and ensuring that the settings were appropriate for the ActionMailer.

RE: Test email not sending - Added by Amos Yang about 16 years ago

Hi Jack
Could you help me to configure the mail setup?
I cannot make the mail function work.

My MSN is

RE: Test email not sending - Added by Martin Gubala over 14 years ago

Hello all,
I face exactly the same problem as described in the original post. Could you please post your solutions to this?
Thanks in advance.

Test email not sending - Added by mohd sawad over 14 years ago

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