Ubuntu MySQL database recovery
Added by Jack Peng about 10 years ago
Dear all,
I use the follow command line in Ubuntu to backup MySQL database and upload files:
/usr/bin/mysqldump -u<username> -p<password> redmine | gzip >
/home/redmine_backup/databases/redmine_`date +"20%y.%m.%d_%H.%M"`.gz
upload files:
rsync -a /opt/redmine/redmine/files /home/redmine_backup/files
But, how can I recovery redmine if the system break down?
btw, I know how to setup Redmine step by step in Ubuntu.
But don't know how to recovery the backuped data (redmine_yyyy.mm.dd_hh.mm.gz) into MySQL database.
would someone share the methods to me?
ps. I'm a new guy to use Ubuntu and MySQL, Redmine...
Thank you very much for your attentions!
Replies (2)
RE: Ubuntu MySQL database recovery
Added by Martin Denizet (redmine.org team member) about 10 years ago
Hello Jack,
You should decompress your file:
gunzip <backupfile>.gz
Then you should create the DB and then import the backup. See detailed explanations.
RE: Ubuntu MySQL database recovery
Added by Jack Peng about 10 years ago
Thanks Martin, it works now!