


How do you disable projects pop up menu top right?

Added by Dell Green over 9 years ago

Trying to track a performance problem I have with my Redmine which has almost 500 projects. Logs show all the time is used in rendering the views for all pages.

Would like to disable projects popup menu top right to see if this is the problem.

Had quick look in Redmine.rb but nothing seems obvious to comment out.

Doesz anyone know which file this popup menu is registered in?

Replies (1)

RE: How do you disable projects pop up menu top right? - Added by Dell Green over 9 years ago

Have found the correct place in redmine-2.6.1-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/app/helpers/application_helper.rb

made the render_project_jump_box function do nothing and now my redmine instance has changed from on average 5.5 secs to 500 msecs

Now use search functionality to navigate redmine and will be looking into other search plugins for more powerful searching.

have noticed the project pop ups are also on a few other editing pages, but i can live with this for now as they are functionally required and used rarely.

I think redmine needs a customizable option as redmine doesn't scale very well with this project pop-ups all over the place. The html should not contain the entire contents of my projects database and hecne the slow view rendering times.
