


smtp settings in configuration.yml not working

Added by Evgeny Magata over 9 years ago


i am at the end of my wits. i have a nicely running redmine installation (v2.61stable, ruby 1.9.3, rails 3.2.21). Since it is a fresh installation, i am not dealing with leftover config errors here. my MDA is exim4 and it locally accepts SMTP requests, i just checked via telnet, sending a dummy mail from the redmine mail address.

whatever i put as smtp settings into configuration.yml, in Administration > Configuration > EMail Notifications, the dreaded Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled. Configure your SMTP server in config/configuration.yml and restart the application to enable them. stays. Configuration.yml has a correct yml formatting, so that is not the issue. i experimented also with putting the settings in the default section, in the production section, in both - nothing changes. How can i debug this matter, is there a command to make redmine show the settings read from the configuration.yml to check if it is actually parsing that file?

any help would be appreciated.
thanks, egeny.