


Related issues

Added by Alex Hier over 9 years ago

I am wondering how I can enable "related issues" ?
In the issue properties form, I don't see any field nor control allowing to set an issue as "related to" another one. It's like this capability is not enabled in our redmine.
I have an administrator profile and here is what I have double checked for now :
- In the administration / configuration / issue tracking : "allow relations between issue of different projects" is checked,
- In the user rights configuration "manage relations" is checked,
- In the administration / trackers I don't see any "related to" check box in the "standard field".

Our environment is :
Redmine version 2.6.1.stable.13959
Ruby version 2.1.1-p76 (2014-02-24) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 3.2.21
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2

In the wiki ( I see what can be done with "related issues" but i did not see how it can be done. What am I missing ?
Thanks for your help.