


Redmine 2.6.0 Git fetch_changesets gives Git: fatal object f1259017b7998081a7353daca4f5ae50fbe30b83

Added by Martin Seener about 10 years ago


for some time now, i get the following error when running the fetch changesets rake task:
Cronjob (or run manually):

cd /var/www/redmine && bundle exec rake redmine:fetch_changesets RAILS_ENV=production


fatal: bad object f1259017b7998081a7353daca4f5ae50fbe30b83

dispite this error, the rake tasks works for all of our repos so far. I also found out, that this bad object is located in the postgres DB redmine-database in the "revisions" table and the line reads as follows (changed the username and email for his privacy)

13384    102    f1259017b7998081a7353daca4f5ae50fbe30b83    Alexander <>    2013-10-30 13:05:34    - fixed backend resend / refund for multistore\n- added cart cleaning if not done automatically    2013-10-30    f1259017b7998081a7353daca4f5ae50fbe30b83    14

Can anybody tell me what i can do to get rid of that error? Don't know what i can do any further now