


Update from 2.2.3 to 2.6.3: No success :-(

Added by Cord Winkelmann over 9 years ago

Standard Turnkey Linux Appliance,
Redmine: 2.2.3
Ruby: 1.9.3
Rails: 3.2.12
Database: Mysql2

Hi everybody,

I was just trying to get my Redmine from 2.2.3 to 2.6.3. I can't use 3.0 yet since one of the plugins I am using is not compatible (yet). I am a newbie to redmine administration, so I did everything as described here:
Everything went pretty smooth, no error messages. I think I did everything correctly and did not miss any steps (checked twice).

The problem is, that under Administration/Information it still shows 2.2.3 and not 2.6.3. What am I missing?

Best regards