


Resolving Update with Redmine 1.0.3.stable.4425

Added by Brendan Magill over 9 years ago


We currently running Redmine 1.0.3.stable.4425 (MySQL) which is obviously an older version of Redmine. Redmine is running on an old PC that is a little wonky, so doing massive updates could potentially cause more harm then good.

We have an issue where the last update that took place, caused an error to appear in some values. Its as though the its missing a few lines of code.

Examples of the issue:

Added by {{author}} {{age}} ago.
1 2 Next » (1-25/26) | Per page: {{value}}
03/{{count}}/2015 09:12 am

I've included print screen images to show more details

Would you know how I could fix this with out upgrading versions?

Replies (1)

RE: Resolving Update with Redmine 1.0.3.stable.4425 - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 9 years ago

The version you're using is from 2010-10-31 and has critical security issues (Security_Advisories).
You really, really should stop using it and transition to a more recent version of redmine.
