'New Issue' tab not shown? [Solved]
Added by xyz dragon almost 10 years ago
I just installed Redmine and after many problems I finally succeeded to log in to localhost:3000 as admin.
I then created another administrator user xyzdragon.
I also created a Role in Administration->Roles and permissions->New Role called "Project Administrator", who can basically do everything, this includes "Add issues".
Next I created a project "Todo" and added user xyzdragon to it for the role of project administrator.
But if I then switch to that newly created project while being logged in as xyzdragon, I only see the tabs:
Overview Activity Issues Gantt Calendar Documents Files Settings
There is no "New Issue" tab, like I know from another public redmine Installation.
What did I miss?
I also tried granting the predefined roles "Non member" and "Anonymous" the rights to add and edit issues, but to no avail.
Thank you for your help.
When trying to access http://localhost:3000/projects/todo/issues/new directly, I get:
'No tracker is associated to this project. Please check the Project settings.'
This also gives me clues, what to do:
Administration->Statuses->Add Status: open, closed
Administration->Trackers->Add Tracker