Integrating with SVN
Added by M T over 9 years ago
I'm trying to integrate redmine 3.0.1 (centos 6.6) with SVN on remote server.
I found it difficult to understand how to do it just from reading the document
How does one access the SVN on remote server?
Do I need to run reposman.rb on SVN server or do I just configure the apache on the remote SVN server to accept connections from
In this command below does "--svn-dir /var/svn" is used as local temporary storage for created repositories in remote SVN server or this is permanent storage of cloned repositories from SVN.
ruby reposman.rb --redmine --svn-dir /var/svn --owner www-data --url http://my.svn.server/svn/ --key=my_api_key --verbose
Any help appreciated.