


Hide other Users/Groups based on group membership or other criteria.

Added by Ryan Day about 9 years ago

Hi! I have been trying to figure this out for a while now, but with no success. We have a need to restrict what specific sets of users can see. For example, Say we have Client A and Client B who each have an individual project. We have added users from both clients and made a distinct group for each client. However, we need for users from Group A (Client A) to see anything related to Client B (Projects, Groups, Users, etc). I have seen a lot of discussion about this type of functionality, but cannot find a method of implementing it. Any help that I can get here would be greatly appreciated.

I must admit that I am very new to the administration of Redmine and, as such, am not sure what information will be needed for someone to help me with it. I do know that it is hosted on an Ubuntu Server 14.04 vm, we are using MySQL for the database and it is a 3.0.x version of Redmine (I'm not sure which one specifically). Thank you in advance for your help!