


Problem with fetching emails with inline images

Added by Damian Mozejko about 9 years ago


I have default bitnami Redmine configuration on Amazon Claud. I configured Redmine to receive emails by fetching from IMAP server. It is working in most cases. Emails are fetched and issues or notes are created (also with attachments).

I have one problem: Redmine do not create notes when fetched email contains inline image. I have enabled action_mailer log. I'm getting this error after all emails with inline images:

ERROR -- : An unexpected error occurred when receiving email: Permission denied - /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs/files/2015/06/150624125441_image001.jpg

I check: this file does not exists. I do not need inline images as attachments in Redmine's notes. I just need plain text as note.

Can anyone help?

My configuration:
Redmine version 3.0.3.stable
Ruby version 2.0.0-p645 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 4.2.1
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Subversion 1.8.13
Mercurial 2.1
Cvs 1.12.13
Git 1.9.5
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed