


how to get proxy redirection working?

Added by John Young about 9 years ago

I am trying to use lighttpd has an HTTPS front-end for an app.

The app can be access using http://my-ip-here:2221 or http://my-ip-here:2221/myapp. The app already has a built-in facility for HTTPS but I want lighttpd to handle all HTTPS requests.

This is my configuration which I based on another app that has working HTTPS redirection. The difference though is that this other app has no built-in HTTPS feature hence the need to use lighttpd.

    $SERVER["socket"] == ":2222" {
        ssl.engine = "enable" 
        ssl.pemfile = "/usr/local/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.pem" 
        $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/myapp*" {
            auth.require = ( "" =>
                    "method" => "digest",
                    "realm" => "MyAppWebInterface",
                    "require" => "valid-user" 
            proxy.debug = 1
            proxy.server = ( "" =>
                        "host" => "",
                        "port" => 2221

This is the response I get (from error.log)

    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1018) username myapp 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1019) realm MyAppWebInterface 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1020) nonce de08d53a372b8f699932c32d06e2f458 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1021) uri /myapp 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1022) algorithm  
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1023) qop auth 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1024) cnonce 541256410f1eee5a2c013baa0714737a 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1025) nc 00000002 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1026) response 5233ec9e2ce9893073434f44fdd4fd1d 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (http_auth.c.1185) digest: auth ok 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (mod_proxy.c.1144) proxy - start 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (mod_proxy.c.1185) proxy - ext found 
    2015-06-29 11:18:31: (mod_proxy.c.1329) no proxy-handler found for: /myapp

I get the "htdigest" login and then I get a HTTP 500 error.

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? or perhaps the built-in HTTPS feature is messing it up?

Thanks a lot :)