MySQL Database size
Added by Rupesh Helwade over 9 years ago
I have been reading from net that the performance of MySQL does not depend on the size of the db files in /usr/local/mysql/var/redmine nor does it depend on the number of records (? - experts plz re-confirm if you think otherwise)
My question is :
As the issue numbers keep increasing and the IDs themselves become too much lengthy,
The journal_details table keeps increasing with huge number of rows
Is there any best practice to manage things ?
Does it in any way affect Application / query performance ?
I have 2.3.1 Redmine installed on Solaris 10 server with good amount of RAM (approx: 10GB) / HD memory approx 1T
The growth in Attachments is approx 500MB per month and 150 issues per day with 4-5 updates /notes additions in each issue.
Thanks for any input / feedback.
Replies (1)
RE: MySQL Database size
Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 9 years ago
Hello Rupesh,
That's a very interesting topic and I hope you will keep us posted on your findings.
Maybe this could help you leverage your RAM if you didn't do it already: