


Unable to start Redmine

Added by Alan Taylor about 9 years ago

I am a total newbie to project management and have just installed Redmine ($ sudo apt-get install redmine) on my 64 bit Linux Mint 17.1 with the Cinnamon laptop. I am at a total loss as to how to start the program as it does not appear anywhere in my program lists and typing <$ redmine> in the command line is of no help. ($redmine: command not found).

I have now obviously signed in as a registered user but the web page that I face with is totally unclear as well. ( Even the user guide does not seem to help ( It discusses 'Managing projects' but I do not see even how to set one up - and I will be the administrator.

Where am I going wrong please?


Replies (2)

RE: Unable to start Redmine - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 9 years ago

Hello Alan,

I think it won't be easy to remove the confusion here.

Redmine is a web app that anyone can host. Meaning that when you install Redmine you actually configure a web server that will serve a private instance of Redmine.
Installing Redmine you make your own database with your own URL and users. is a Redmine instance dedicated to the community making Redmine. doesn't offer Redmine instances for users private or business usage(no SaaS).

When you run apt-get install redmine you install a package that eases the configuration of an instance of Redmine on your computer (most admins installing Redmine would prefer to do it manually for more control).
If you ran the apt-get successfully (it asks questions about web server and database server), you should have a Redmine instance configured on you computer. You can check your webserver's configuration but it is probably accessible at http://localhost or http://localhost/redmine .
Default username/password: admin/admin

If that doesn't work and you just want to have a quick try, I suggest you apply for the online demo:

Few notes:
  • It's mostly system admins doing Redmine installs for production because of security and safety considerations
  • Redmine is made by a community which doesn't provide commercial services
  • Some companies provide hosted Redmine instances for a fee (SaaS)



RE: Unable to start Redmine - Added by Alan Taylor about 9 years ago

Hi Martin,

Well I said I was a newbie. I can find my way around my file system via a terminal and have run my own (Centos) email server for several years, but this has me stumped. Both "localhost" and "localhost/redmine" return a server not found error. I tried the demo that you suggested but after logging in all I get is a white screen. I tried the domain name "foxwalker" and "afoxwalker". with the same result for each.

I have checked my hosts file but all is okay there: localhost <my computer name>

  1. The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
    ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

I have tried using my IP address/redmine but that alsi returns server not found. I do not have a website so cannot use that to host the program. Not sure where to go from here. I guess I am looking in completely the wrong direction but I am upon the limits of my knowledge. What is next please?


