


New plugin (Roadmap) does not display in our redmine !

Added by Christian Gypakis about 9 years ago


We have installed Redmine 3.0.1, and it works well.
Roadmap module was missing, for not standard, only in plugin.
So we chose to install "Advanced Roadmap v2" plugin. That we installed by following the explained installation steps.

The problem is that we do not see any sign of the plugin on the user interface, neither in the administration/plugin place. No plugins. For info, it is the first time we install a plugin in redmine. The only thing we could see is that the database is updated with the advanced roadmap new fields. Nothing else.

Thinking it might be a plugin issue, we installed 2 other plugins, and we also could not see both of them. So we concluded that the problem comes from our redmine or our installation.

We have no clue of what's going on.
Would you have any suggestion or ideas how to solve this issue ?
To have the Advanced Roadmap v2 be displayed.

Thank you so much !
Best regards

Our environment :
- Redmine 3.0.1
- Ruby implementation and version : ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]
- Rails version : Rails 4.2.1
- Operating system : Debian Linux 7
- Database : MySQL Version 5.5.41
- Ruby-aware server used: Webrick