


Field Permissions and Status

Added by Chris C almost 9 years ago

I am trying to sent up field permissions to certain things become hidden/optional/mandatory at different stages (I do have 1 plugin installed that allows me to hide fields). The issue I am having is that if I edit an issue and wanted to set it to a new status, by changing the drop down it already starts acting as if the new status is set even though I haven't hit save. Example:

I have field1 that only becomes visible and mandatory as status2. While the ticket is in status1 everything is fine. I go to the edit screen and change my status to status2. As soon as I do this, field1 displays with a * and I can't save without entering in data. The problem being, the person who is in charge while the ticket is in status1 is not the person I want filing in field1.

What I am looking for is for the system to only start applying these rules once you save the issue as status2. In theory I can just push all my rules to the right by 1 so that field1 would only become mandatory at status3 (therefor forcing the user in charge of status2 to enter something before moving it forward) but the problem is it still makes field1 available (but not mandatory for the user in status1 which I would greatly like to avoid.

Is there a way to make the system behave this way?