


Modified issue_query.rb but changes not appearing.

Added by s mich almost 9 years ago

We modified the apps\redmine\htdocs\app\models\issue_query.rb line 262 to sum the subtask and parent hours in the "Issue" report. Here's the updated line:

:sortable => "COALESCE((SELECT SUM(hours) FROM #{TimeEntry.table_name} WHERE #{TimeEntry.table_name}.issue_id in ( select id from #{Issue.table_name} where parent_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id or id = #{Issue.table_name}.id )), 0)",

We're using the bitnami stack on Windows 2012 server, restarted apache, mysql and both thin_redmine and thin_redmine2. However, our change isn't appearing. Any areas to look to help troubleshoot?