


[SOLVED] Parents of issues are incorrect.

Added by Juanito Valderrama about 9 years ago

Hello, I have some issues with parents but they aren't correct shown.

For example I have this structure:

#577 -> #170 -> #179, #180, #184

But when I show issue #577 the subissue #184 appears to be a subissue of #577 and don't of #170.
When I show issue #184 show as parent issue #577.

Although in database (postgres) the data appears to be ok:

select id, parent_id, root_id from redmine.issues where id in (577, 170, 179, 180, 184)
id   parent_id root_id
---  --------- -------
170  577       577
179  170       577
180  170       577
184  170       577
577  <NULL>    577

What is occurring?

Installation data:

# ruby -v
ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
# rails --version
Rails 4.1.13
# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:    Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 8.2 (jessie)
Release:    8.2
Codename:    jessie

Database: Postgres 9.4.


Replies (2)

RE: Parents of issues are incorrect. - Added by Juanito Valderrama about 9 years ago

More data about the installation:

# RAILS_ENV=production bin/about 

sh: 1: svn: not found
sh: 1: darcs: not found
sh: 1: cvs: not found
sh: 1: bzr: not found
  Redmine version                2.5.2.devel
  Ruby version                   2.1.5-p273 (2014-11-13) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
  Rails version                  4.1.13
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               PostgreSQL
  Mercurial                      3.1.2
  Git                            2.1.4
Redmine plugins:
  redmine_mylyn_connector        2.8.2.stable
  redmine_pretend                0.0.2+git20130821
  redmine_recaptcha              0.1.0
  redmine_wiki_gchart_formula    0.0.5
  sidebar_hide                   0.0.7

RE: Parents of issues are incorrect. - Added by Juanito Valderrama about 9 years ago

I've found this: I have upgraded to 1.0.1 ,significance of lft and rgt .

lft and rgt are used to create a structured tree of parents.

More information:

This is the motive of my problem. I have enumerated lft and rgt for each issue implied.
