


after upgrade redmine to 3.1.2 something not working

Added by socheat khim over 8 years ago

after I upgraded redmine, when click on tab issue, Gantt, Calendar not working. it alert like this:

Internal error

An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your Redmine administrator for assistance.

If you are the Redmine administrator, check your log files for details about the error.

please help me what was the problem?

Replies (1)

RE: after upgrade redmine to 3.1.2 something not working - Added by Markus Krueger over 8 years ago

I have a similar problem.

I upgraded Redmine from 2.5.2-1 to 3.1.2-0. and did everything as described in the docs.
MySQL Dump is succsesfully reimported into the database (I can start phpMyAdmin and all the tables are there), but when I try to login I get the same error message, before I'm asked to fill in username and password.

Thanks a lot for any hint

My setup:
Bitnami Redmine 3.1.2 Stack on MacOSX 10.11.1 (15B42)

Infos from
RAILS_ENV=production bin/about
sh: darcs: command not found
sh: hg: command not found
sh: cvs: command not found
sh: bzr: command not found
Redmine version 3.1.2.stable
Ruby version 2.0.0-p647 (2015-08-18) [x86_64-darwin10.8.0]
Rails version 4.2.4
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Subversion 1.8.13
Git 2.6.1
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed

production.log error message:

Started GET "/redmine/" for at 2015-12-03 19:47:39 +0100
Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML
Current user: anonymous
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)

NoMethodError (undefined method `passwd_changed_on' for #<AnonymousUser:0x00000103aa12a8>):
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:152:in `force_logout_if_password_changed'
