Test e-mail works, but e-mails related to the other users' transactions are not sent (Redmine 2.3.2)
Added by Erdem Kaya about 9 years ago
Hi everyone,
We have been using Redmine 2.3.2 for almost two years in our organization. It has served us well during that time but we are recently having issues with system's automatically generated e-mails. Our Redmine server is connected to an Active Domain and Mail Exchange system. We are authenticating our users via LDAP. In the Redmine's Settings page, we are able to send test e-mails to ourselves but when a user updates an issue or does anything that has to trigger an e-mail, simply nothing happens. E-mail settings are also done in a way that when user does anything on any of his/her projects, an e-mail must be sent.
We are also running 3 distinct Redmine installations (all of them has Redmine 2.3.2) in addition to this problematic server and none of them has an e-mail problem. And all of them has the same e-mail configurations except for the user names and passwords. Where do you guys think I should be looking at to solve this problem?
Replies (1)
RE: Test e-mail works, but e-mails related to the other users' transactions are not sent (Redmine 2.3.2)
Added by Erdem Kaya about 9 years ago
I would appreciate if you could post some hint or answer.