


Setup/configure email notifications for Windows installations

Added by Hind Almushigih about 9 years ago

I wonder if there is a different way to setup/configure email notifications for Windows installations.
It is always telling me to configure and restart the app.
I followed the redmine Email Configuration for GMail/Google Apps.
I did everything in that page.
But I don't know how to restart redmine!
I am installing the redmine on IIS. So I tried to restart the site from IISM but it is said email delivery is not configured and notifications are disabled.
I installed redmine by

What to do?
Please help!

Replies (1)

RE: Setup/configure email notifications for Windows installations - Added by Juan Villalba over 8 years ago

Hello Hind. You have to Stop and Start the Service from windows's Services.

Could you send me an example from de configuration for a GMail/Google Apps?

