Hi, 'Latest Projects' isn't desplayed on the home page
Added by L Horace over 8 years ago
Environment: Redmine version 3.2.0.stable Ruby version 2.2.2-p95 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 4.2.5 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Subversion 1.7.14 Mercurial 2.6.2 Git Filesystem Redmine plugins: no plugin installed
I've migrated back to Redmine from OpenProject and it's been around since I messed around with either of them. I was pretty sure that there was a 'Latests Projects' and/or 'Latest Activity' on the home page? Am I missing enabling a setting? I've already created a parent project with a sibling with a few issues. I've already comb through the settings page and user guide but couldn't find anything useful.
Replies (4)
RE: Hi, 'Latest Projects' isn't desplayed on the home page - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
RE: Hi, 'Latest Projects' isn't desplayed on the home page - Added by L Horace over 8 years ago
Vague response but never the less, it appears that 'Latest Projects' is removed since 3.2.x release. Thanks.
RE: Hi, 'Latest Projects' isn't desplayed on the home page - Added by Pierre Pretorius over 8 years ago
Hi, can you elaborate a bit on why you moved back to Redmine?
RE: Hi, 'Latest Projects' isn't desplayed on the home page - Added by L Horace about 8 years ago
Simply because OpenProject doesn't have builtin support for Mecurial VCS which is what I primarily use on my infrastructure.