


Changing redmine issue numbering scheme (for coexisting of two separate issue trackers with one repo)

Added by Krzysztof B almost 9 years ago

I'm publishing a repository to GitHub and I have an issue with commit messages - I want to push with full history, but both redmine and GitHub use the same issue numbering mechanics (#N where N is a number). This will cause GitHub to incorrectly relate old commits with it's new issues.

I doubt I can change that on GitHub, so I plan to change all commit history and replace #N with redmine-N. I was hoping on hints for how to do that.

I need Redmine to:
- parse redmine-N the same way as #N in the repository history. Only for a project or globaly
- not parse #N in repository history of one project

Does someone know of a plugin that does that or can point on where can I hook into redmine to do this? This can be a redmine source modification if plugin API does not give you this possibility.