Problem with SVN integration
Added by Quantel Medical over 8 years ago
I'm running Redmine from Bitnami and all is working fine, except when I'm trying to configure SVN integration.
I need to integrate Redmine with my VisualSVN Server running on the same machine. When in Redmine I set up SVN to access a repository through file:///... it's working fine, but when I set it up through https, I get the famous "404 Entry or revision doesn't exist in the repository".
My production.log is saying "Error parsing svn output: No close tag for lists/list". I've read lots of forums and discussions about that and none of the proposed solutions is working for me. No line command I'm typing is changing anything...
I've understood that it could be a certificate problem...?
Any help would be awesome! :)
Replies (1)
RE: Problem with SVN integration - Added by Quantel Medical over 8 years ago
I think I've found a solution to my problem.
That was effectively a Windows certificate problem related to VisualSVN and not to Redmine, due to the changement of the hostname since the installation of VisualSVN.
When installing VisualSVN configuring it to use HTTPS, Windows creates a certificate to allow HTTPS for VisualSVN. The thing is that if you change the hostname or something similar after having installed VisualSVN, the certificates don't correspond anymore as VisualSVN will use the new hostname while the Windows certificate remains the same.
You can check that by looking at the certificate of VisualSVN given in the properties of the server in the Certificate tab. If there is a red cross (and the certificate is detailed as not valid) it means the certificates don't correspond.
A way to get around this problem is to reinstall VisualSVN. You can keep your Repositories as they are saved locally on your machine and not in VisualSVN, you'll just need to give the same path when reinstalling VisualSVN.
I wish I've been clear enough for those getting the same problem as me.
That is how it worked for me. There must be another way but as that one worked it should be fine ;)
And anyway I've done that because I had to keep working on Windows, but if I could I would have changed straight away on Linux, for which I'm sure there wouldn't have been so many problems...