


production.log & web_redmine.log

Added by Evan Loftus over 8 years ago

Hello Redminers!

I have a few quick questions regarding these files, and if they've been asked before I apologize. I'm running Redmine 2.5.2.

My production.log is 4 GB and my web_redmine.log is about 2.3 GB.

1) Are either (or both) required to recover from a Redmine backup? I ask because our backup software is currently trying to back them up and it fails (mostly because they're so large and being written to so often). So if neither is needed for a complete restore, then I can omit them and be on my way!

2) Sometime in the near future should I stop Redmine and rename the files, to start them fresh? Any caveats anyone can think of if I do that? Their size and age are slightly concerning, so I'm just looking to get out in front of any possible issues.

Thanks in advance!


Replies (2)

RE: production.log & web_redmine.log - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 8 years ago

You don't need these files to restore redmine.
You might want to setup your backup application to exclude ./log directory or if it's not possible then:
1) stop redmine process before backup execution
2) if you are in Linux then "cd /path/to/redmine/log ; > production.log ; > web_redmine.log"
3) execute backup job
4) start redmine

RE: production.log & web_redmine.log - Added by Evan Loftus over 8 years ago

Excellent, many thanks for the quick reply!

