Installing Redmine wiki page
Added by Adam Jensen over 8 years ago
I would like to configure and run Redmine but the wiki page "RedmineInstall" doesn't provide enough instruction for my case. Here's the setup:
- FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p4
- PostgreSQL 9.3.13
- Apache 2.4.23
- Subversion 1.9.4
- Ruby 2.2.5p319
- Redmine-3.2.3
Everything was installed from the FreeBSD ports/packages system. PostgreSQL is set up with redmine/redmine user/db, and config/database.yml is in-place, but I am concerned that Step 4 - Dependencies installation - doesn't apply in my case: I think the gem dependencies were installed from the FreeBSD package system.
System gems seem to be located in: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2/gems
While Redmine is installed at: /usr/local/www/redmine
Both require root privileges to write/update. Given that the wiki seems to be a bit out-of-date and might not fit my setup, I'm a bit hesitant to potentially destabilize my system by executing foreign update commands as root.
Is anyone willing to talk me through an installation? I would be willing to translate my notes into a wiki page for other FreeBSD users.