


Start automatically after boot or reboot...

Added by Alexander D. over 8 years ago

Hi there,

I just finally installed this excellent open source solution of manages my project. I've installed this on a local server before move forward my production dedicated server. The local environment has the same parameters like the production server. It's CENTOS 7.

The comment above because I'm looking to start automatically the services in CENTOS. Apparently the only way is through the following script:

bundle exec rails server webrick -e production

So, is there an easy way to add that piece of starting code on CENTOS to start automatically my redmine service?

Thanks a lot for your useful feedback!


Replies (1)

RE: Start automatically after boot or reboot... - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago

Do not use webrick for production.
Use web server (apache etc.) instead.
