


Members Projects Assign Bulk Editing

Added by Eduard Schmidt over 8 years ago

Hello I have a question about Redmine.
Im setting up Redmine in my company and now I need help.
The situation is that we have 302 project which are private. There is a main project e.g. "Germany", a sub-project "Stuttgart" then "tasks".
Then we have around 417 users and 3 roles.

So now I need to give permission to users to create issues and now i have to click on the main project and give permission and roles to the users then the sub-project and so on and this needs a lot of fu**ing time

Is there a possibillity to give permission to users and roles in the main project and then they have access to all sub-projects?
Or another way to manage rights and project permissions without checkboxing so much?

Best regards and thank you in advance

Replies (2)

RE: Members Projects Assign Bulk Editing - Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago

Did you check out the group feature (as admin)? I usually work only with user groups (for each team) and all permissions to projects are controlled on group level. So adding a project to a group adds it for all users of this group. Adding a user to a group establishes all permissions this user needs with "one" click.

Never maintain permissions on user level! Do this only for very well reasoned exceptions.



RE: Members Projects Assign Bulk Editing - Added by Eduard Schmidt over 8 years ago

Okay thank you
I will work with groups now
