plugin scrum : settings not saved when click on Apply [solved]
Added by Denis LG about 8 years ago
Hi everyone,
I managed to get Redmine installed after some efforts and some troubleshooting, but there's one problem I could not solve regarding the scrum plugin. Here's some info about the installation. Thanks in advance for any hints or solution.
SYMPTOMS : In the web interface > administration > plugin > scrum : configure, whatever I select in the pull down menus is not preserved after I click Apply. The form just resets empty.
CHECKS : In Admin > information, The public plugin folder is writeable.
In log/production.log or in apache2/error.log, there are not errors.
I enabled debug in config/additional_environment.rb but there are no obvious errors in the resulting log (at least to my eyes).
(the only thing may be suspicious is a ? in the sql queries ( WHERE `custom_fields`.`id` = ? ).
The whole /usr/share/redmine folder and subfolders are owned by www-data.
public and plugin are chmod 755
CONFIG: /etc/apache2/sites-available/redmine.conf
<VirtualHost *:3000>
ServerName redmine.<our_internal>.<domain>
RailsEnv production
SetEnv X_DEBIAN_SITEID "default"
PassengerDefaultUser www-data
Alias "/plugin_assets/" /usr/share/redmine/public/plugin_assets/
DocumentRoot /usr/share/redmine/public
<Directory /usr/share/redmine/public>
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
Options -MultiViews
Require all granted
<Directory /usr/share/redmine/plugins/scrum/>
Require all granted
ENVIRONMENT: Here's a copy of administration > information
Redmine version 3.3.0.devel
Ruby version 2.1.5-p273 (2014-11-13) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version
Environment production
Database adapter MySQL
Git 2.10.1
Redmine plugins:
scrum 0.14.0
!! new:
updated to scrum0.15
problem persists
Replies (1)
RE: plugin scrum : settings not saved when click on Apply - Added by Denis LG about 8 years ago
problem solved
- upgraded redmine to stable 3.3.1
- chown whole redmine folder to redmine instead of www-data
- changed PassengerDefaultUser redmine in redmine.conf