


Allow related issues to be started/due on the same date.

Added by Кирилл Часовских over 7 years ago

i have the same problem:

When I have issue A and issue B, and I assign issue B to follow issue A I want to still be able to schedule the start date for both A and B on the same day.

Currently if I schedule issue A and issue B to start on the same day, than I say issue B follows issue A, issue B's start date is changed to the next day after issue A's due date. Issue A may only take an hour which means issue A and issue B could technically start on the same day.

Instead of moving the B date out a day after the due date of A, set the start date of B to the due date of A and then let me change the start date of B if it needs to be the next day.

are there any plugins for this?

Replies (1)

RE: Allow related issues to be started/due on the same date. - Added by Scott Stolz over 7 years ago

I have the same issue. I had to stop using dates for most things because of this.
