


Generate and send JSON request to python server on creating/updating redmine issue

Added by Vivek Borgohain Ahmed almost 7 years ago


We have a redmine GUI instance installed in our project which is used to raise tickets.
Currently, the tickets are resolved manually and the redmine is updated manually. We are investigating a solution to automate the ticket resolution process.

We are looking at an approach where the redmine details will be sent using 'Rest APIs' through JSON requests to a python server hosted on the same machine as the redmine instance. The python server code will read the redmine details and automate accordingly.

The JSON requests need to be sent to the python server on two events:
1. A new redmine issue is created on the GUI instance
2. An existing redmine instance is updated on the GUI instance.

We checked the redmine documentations, however we could not find how to use 'Rest APIs' to send JSON request to a python server. We found documentation on how to create/update redmine using python. But this is not our requirement mentioned above.

It is possible we are looking at the wrong documentation.
Could someone please guide us on how to achieve the above requirements or provide example codes for the same.

We are novices in the domain of ruby/restapi/python and any help would be appreciated.

1. Ruby version: 2.0.0p598
2. Rails Version:
3. OS version: Red Hat Linux Server 7.1
4. Database Version: MySQL Server 5.5.54

Thanks in advance