


Please answer these Question.....

Added by v1 dias over 7 years ago

Unique format for issue ID by project wise. In Redmine auto generated IDs are there for Bug (Eg:1, 2, 3,…..). But, according to our requirement, we need unique ID. How to create?

The default fields of Redmine have to be customized according to our requirement.
How to customized ?

There is a separate field in Redmine to Issue Status (In Admin portal). In there we can include multiple statuses. But, those status are not showing when we need to edit a created issue. Only the default fields get visible. How to correct it?

Also, reports should be generated through Redmine.
Eg 1: Defect Severity Matrix - No of failed Test cases (having defects) with Different Risk rating (High, Medium, Low).
And there after we have to map this matrix with the test cases in TestLink
Eg 2: Defect Remarks Rate – No of failed Test cases which have converted as remarks from defects.?