Mailhandler with IMAP and Cron
Added by Auke Tembrink about 7 years ago
Hey there,
I am trying to generate tickets from emails with the help of redmine 3.3.1. I have manage to genereate tickets with a really small setup. But a lot of settings from the cron are getting ignored or are simply not working when I try to run it.
This is my mailhandler line:
rake -f /var/www/redmine/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" host=mailserver.tld username=redmine@domain.tld password=superSecret project=testproject port=993 ssl=1 move_on_success=tickets move_on_failure=error unknown_user=create no-account-notice=1 default-group=From_Mail no_permission_check=1The following options seem to be fully ignored when the cronjob is handling the e-mails
- move_on_success and move_on_failure (Both folders exist in the imap account. Mails from useraccounts are marked as read and stay in the inbox, mails from extern guests create a useraccount and are then getting deleted)
- no-account-notice (When redmine creates accounts from incoming mails, it still sends account notifications but we fully want to prevent the users from logging in)
- default-group (The created user accounts are not getting associated with the existing group)
May it be that not all settings are working when using a cron or a shell script which is used by a cron?
thanks for the help
PS: After finding the "How to request for help" guide here some additional informations that might be helpfull:
Environment: Redmine version 3.3.1.stable Ruby version 2.3.0-p0 (2015-12-25) [x86_64-linux] Rails version Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Git 2.7.4 Filesystem Redmine plugins: no plugin installed