


How to create a time entry and specify the date of it (Rest API / Time Entries)

Added by Egor N about 7 years ago


I am trying to create a time entry and specify the date (by default it is used the current date)

Here: Rest_TimeEntries

The REST API of time entries says:

Creating a time entry

POST /time_entries.xml

Creates a time entry.


    time_entry (required): a hash of the time entry attributes, including:
        issue_id or project_id (only one is required): the issue id or project id to log time on
        spent_on: the date the time was spent (default to the current date)
        hours (required): the number of spent hours
        activity_id: the id of the time activity. This parameter is required unless a default activity is defined in Redmine.
        comments: short description for the entry (255 characters max)

Does anybody know if it is actual information? Is there any way to specify the date?
