Receiving emails imap due_date doesn't work
Added by GAETAN COURJEAU almost 7 years ago
I would like to set up a system that creates a issue when you send an email to a gmail address.
Issue is well classified in the project and in the requested tracker
After several tests, the mail is converted into a ticket but the field "due_date", is not filled in.
The command I use is :
[PATH] bundle exec rake redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV=production port=993 ssl=1 username=xxxxxxxxx password=xxxxxx project=my-project start_date=2018-01-04 due_date=2018-03-10 priority=normal 'tracker=Non traité' move_on_failure=redminefailed
I have tried differents date formats:
I'm using Redmine v 3.3.3