


Email Notification Suppression for Relating tasks

Added by Sarah Brodnick almost 7 years ago

We relate a lot of issues together. Often a user will get two email notifications for this, one from the issue the relationship is initiated from and one from the issue the relationship is made to. No one here really needs to know when this happens, but I can not find a way to suppress the email notifications.

I've been in Settings for Email Notifications and can turn off the below items. Adding issue relationships appears to be considered an issue update, but I don't want to turn off all issue updates and none of the more specific options are appropriate for this.

Issue updated
- Note added
- Status updated
- Assignee updated
- Priority updated

I often use the "Suppress email notifications" option when editing an issue to reduce everyone else's inbox clutter, however this is not available when adding a relationship to another issue.

Is there a way I can suppress all "Related to... added" email notifications?
Is there a way to suppress email notifications while making a relation?