Redmine, AWS, Ubuntu 16.04, no outside access
Added by thomas mjelva almost 7 years ago
Hello All.
I've tried to setup a redmine server for my work on AWS, following this guide:
and with little or no errors I get thru it all.
In the end, i use lynx (textbased browser) to check that it works, and on both and the "local" ip provieded by amazon, i get to the page.
however, when i try the "external" ip it fails, and also it fails
when i try from my local computer, not the cloud one.
any tips?
I supect its some sort of firewall-thing, and i've tried (not saying i've succeeded) to open port 80 on this virtual server
Cheers, DJ
Replies (1)
RE: Redmine, AWS, Ubuntu 16.04, no outside access
Added by thomas mjelva almost 7 years ago
To awnser my own question:
on the EC2thingy, find security groups, and add a port 80 one :D