


Checking possibility of multiple issue input function on the new designed form (like a MS Excel view)

Added by Hyun Myung Kim over 6 years ago

Hello I'm Hyun Myung in South Korea.

My company is using a redmine as a business issue handling tool.
Today my boss asked to me that he want to input data on the forms like MS excel during the meeting time.
He doesn't want to see complex fields and input each issues indivisually ..

So I want to check the possibility of multiple issue input function on the particular form as see below(or attached file)!!.

1. writing or input information in this form
2. then click the 'create' button and it makes new issue on redmine.

And now, It's a question

1. Is it possible to do this in any way?
2. If it's possible, How can it be achieved? plug in? or develop the new function and interface it to redmine? or is there another way?
3. In your opinion, How difficult is it ?

Please let me know it..

Thanks in advance..^^

form.png (44.2 KB) form.png Design forms in progress