Changeing the content of a e-mail that redmine sends
Added by thomas mjelva almost 7 years ago
Hello All!
I'm currently custumizing my redmine-installation at work, so that it can somewhat "talk to" another system we have.
I've managed to get it to send e-mails with the correct subject, (the tracking-number in the other system), so the other system can now read the e-mail.
However, i would like to change the content of the e-mail.
Currently it is something along theese lines:
Case #<number> is updated by <user>
<The notes i write in the update text>
<tracker> <#number> <Subject>
<url to the case> <-- would like to remove this_
- Author: Lixom Planlegger
- Status: Ny
- Prioritet: Normal
- All
- Of
- The
- Statuses
- And
- Fields
The text
in the
that already
is copy/pasted
from the other system
and it
might be
quite lenghty
^ Would like to remove the discription as well ^
I would assume i must edit the mailer.rb
If possible, only the "watcher" could be edited, but thats not really important, atleast for now.
Any tips and/or tricks?
Replies (1)
RE: Changeing the content of a e-mail that redmine sends
Added by thomas mjelva almost 7 years ago
I managed to remove the link, but not the "body"/description...