Redmine 3.4.5 : Add membership to project not working
Added by Stephane Ongagna over 6 years ago
I installed redmine 3.4.5 to centos7 with the following configuration
ruby 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053) [x86_64-linux]
Phusion Passenger 5.2.3
Rails 4.2.8
Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS)
Everything is working fine except when i want to add members to project.
step 1: project -> settings -> member -> New member : loading 1 sec but not showing the page /membership/new
step 2: administration -> users -> user_id -> projects -> "Add project" : loading 1 sec but not showing the page /membership/new
Step 3 : i manually type <url_to_redmine>/project/<project_name>/membership/new and it displays members and roles. I am able in that page to select members and role and add to a project. Therefore when i go back to step 1 I can see member assigned previously on step 3 and on step 2 I can see project assigned to user. But for both i can't still add members to project.
I enabled debug mode and i can't see nothing into log (see membership_new_log.txt attachment). On my browser in dev mode i can see when i click on "New Member" the page "new" loaded but nothing else (see membership_new.PNG attachment)
I follow all the steps on RedmineInstall and i did twice. I tested without plugins.
Any help is very welcome