git log error: git exited with non-zero status: 128 Why?
Added by Alexandr Kirilov over 6 years ago
Hello all.
After troubles with --no-color issue got next one. Redmine do not show revisions in Git repository (see attached file: Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 01.36.37.png).
When I am clicking on file I see it Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 01.36.37.png
When I am clicking on "View all revision" I see Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 01.37.24.png
But the files in repo is showing perfectly Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 01.38.45.png and I am writing revision ID directly it showing the revision Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 01.40.25.png
Just the same way no attached commits to the issues, but everything is defined for it.
Any suggestion?
Replies (4)
RE: Redmine do not show Git revisions.
Added by Alexandr Kirilov over 6 years ago
My env
$ env RAILS_ENV="production" rake about About your application's environment Rails version 4.2.8 Ruby version 2.4.4-p296 (amd64-freebsd11) RubyGems version 2.7.7 Rack version 1.6.10 Middleware Rack::Sendfile, Rack::ContentLength, ActionDispatch::Static, Rack::Lock, #<ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware:0x00000008108bb268>, Rack::Runtime, Rack::MethodOverride, ActionDispatch::RequestId, Rails::Rack::Logger, ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions, ActionDispatch::RemoteIp, ActionDispatch::Callbacks, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement, ActiveRecord::QueryCache, ActionDispatch::Cookies, ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, ActionDispatch::Flash, ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, ActionDispatch::XmlParamsParser, Rack::Head, Rack::ConditionalGet, Rack::ETag, RequestStore::Middleware, OpenIdAuthentication Application root /projects/www/redmine Environment production Database adapter mysql2 Database schema version 20170419144536
RE: Redmine do not show Git revisions.
Added by Alexandr Kirilov over 6 years ago
Found this issue in log files
git log error: git exited with non-zero status: 128
Does anybody knows how to solve it?
RE: git log error: git exited with non-zero status: 128 Why?
Added by Alexandr Kirilov over 6 years ago
The output of command that I found
$ /projects/www/redmine/bin/rails runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" -e production fatal: '' is not a valid branch name.
RE: git log error: git exited with non-zero status: 128 Why?
Added by Alexandr Kirilov over 6 years ago
The same troubles on downgraded version
Environment: Redmine version 3.4.5.stable Ruby version 2.4.4-p296 (2018-03-28) [amd64-freebsd11] Rails version 4.2.8 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Git 2.18.0 Filesystem Redmine plugins: no plugin installed