Error on Load Forum Messages
Added by Alvaro Combo over 6 years ago
Hi All,
I'm a fairly new on Redmine (and Ruby).
My redmine installation was running well, but in the last few days I'm getting a very strange error when loading messages from the forum module.
More strange, is the fact that A RELOAD of the web page, completes with NO ERROR.
Can someone give me a clue to what is happening?
Bellow are the relevant Informations:
--> My Environment:
Environment: Redmine version 3.4.6.stable Ruby version 2.3.3-p222 (2016-11-21) [i386-mingw32] Rails version 4.2.8 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Git 2.17.1 Filesystem Redmine plugins: export_docx 1.2.2 issue_mail_with_attachments 0.1.0 redmine_checklists 3.1.5 redmine_ckeditor 1.1.5 redmine_cms 1.1.0 redmine_dmsf 1.6.1 redmine_inventory_manager 0.9 redmine_xls_export 0.2.1.t9
--> The Error from .log (First Get, an error, the a reload... with no error):
Started GET "/redmine/boards/8/topics/11" for at 2018-09-17 16:01:51 +0100 Processing by MessagesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"board_id"=>"8", "id"=>"11"} Current user: ***** (id=1) Rendered messages/show.html.erb within layouts/base (143.0ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 192ms (ActiveRecord: 40.0ms) ActionView::Template::Error (Object must be a Date, DateTime or Time object. :label_board_plural given.): 1: <%= board_breadcrumb(@message) %> 2: 3: <div class="contextual"> 4: <%= watcher_link(@topic, User.current) %> app/helpers/boards_helper.rb:23:in `board_breadcrumb' app/views/messages/show.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_messages_show_html_erb__649822366_70382136' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode' plugins/redmine_dmsf/lib/redmine_dmsf/webdav/custom_middleware.rb:62:in `call' Started GET "/redmine/boards/8/topics/11" for at 2018-09-17 16:01:53 +0100 Processing by MessagesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"board_id"=>"8", "id"=>"11"} Current user: ***** (id=1) Rendered attachments/_form.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered messages/_form.html.erb (5.0ms) Rendered messages/show.html.erb within layouts/base (23.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 135ms (Views: 64.8ms | ActiveRecord: 59.1ms)