


Task managment, dates and resource allocation

Added by Luis Quental over 6 years ago


I'm evaluating Redmine for project managment, but I need 2 features that I couldn't find:
  1. create tasks with start date calculated based on a resource availability and/or based on the due date of last task assigned on the project
  2. it shouldn't be possible to assign a task to a resource if he is fully allocated (8 hours a day)

I searched the plugins section but I didn't find anything that fits.
Could someone help me with these configurations/features?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Redmine version 3.4.6.stable
Ruby version 2.4.3-p205 (2017-12-14) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 4.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter PostgreSQL
Subversion 1.7.14
Mercurial 2.6.2

Replies (3)

RE: Task managment, dates and resource allocation - Added by Taklu Shaitan almost 6 years ago

Luis Quental wrote:


I'm evaluating Redmine for project managment, but I need 2 features that I couldn't find:
  1. create tasks with start date calculated based on a resource availability and/or based on the due date of last task assigned on the project
  2. it shouldn't be possible to assign a task to a resource if he is fully allocated (8 hours a day)

I searched the plugins section but I didn't find anything that fits.
Could someone help me with these configurations/features?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Redmine version 3.4.6.stable
Ruby version 2.4.3-p205 (2017-12-14) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 4.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter PostgreSQL
Subversion 1.7.14
Mercurial 2.6.2

Luis, any luck? We have a similar requirement. Please let me know if you were able to resolve your need.

RE: Task managment, dates and resource allocation - Added by Luis Quental almost 6 years ago

Hi Taklu,

I've tried to accomplish this using a plugin called "Custom workflows". It almost worked but I had some issues.

Here is the script I was using with the plugin:

if leaf? && self.start_date && self.estimated_hours
  if start_date_changed? || estimated_hours_changed?
    work_days =  ((self.estimated_hours + 7.9)/8).to_i

    if work_days <= 1
        self.due_date = self.start_date
    else # >= 2
        work_days -= 1 # check from the next day.

        cur_date = self.start_date + 1  # move to next day        
        while work_days > 0 do 
            if cur_date.wday == 0 || cur_date.wday == 6 # if next day is weekend
                cur_date += 1
                work_days -= 1
                self.due_date = cur_date
                if work_days > 0
                    cur_date += 1  # move to next day

The way I got this working like I wanted was by creating a trigger on the table issues and calculating the start and due date based on the effort defined on the issue.

RE: Task managment, dates and resource allocation - Added by Greg Lewsza almost 6 years ago

Hi Taklu, Luis,

Last month the RedmineUP team released a Redmine Resources plugin for Resource allocation and management. I think it can help you to manage the bookings based on their availability. It shows when a user is over-booked or still available.

Take a look at the Redmine Resources plugin demo.

If you have any questions, I'd do my best to answer them.

