


Redmine won't get past revisions if I change the repository URL

Added by t nikai over 5 years ago


I am using Redmine 3.4.3 with Subversion 1.9.4, PostgreSQL 9.5.
I changed the URL of the Subversion repository set for the project.

For example:

BEFORE: http://svnserver/projects/someone/branches/Ver1.2.x
AFTER:  http://svnserver/projects/someone/branches/1.2.x

And I re-registered the project repository.
The ticket was linked to the revision again.

However, it is no longer possible to see committed content or differences in the old repository URL.

Redmine will display "404 The entry or revision was not found in the repository."
I get results successfully with TortoiseSVN.

How can Redmine successfully get the contents of the repository before the URL change?

Replies (1)

RE: Redmine won't get past revisions if I change the repository URL - Added by t nikai over 5 years ago

I checked the difference for the same resource.
The access log of Subversion server at that time is as follows.

TortoiseSVN is a normal 200 response.

"REPORT /projects/!svn/rvr/61052/someone/branches/Ver1.2.x/module/pom.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 176
"GET /projects/!svn/rvr/61051/someone/branches/Ver1.2.x/module/pom.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 4967
"GET /projects/!svn/rvr/61052/someone/branches/Ver1.2.x/module/pom.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 4953

However, Redmine is failing with 404.
The path is also strange.

"REPORT /projects/!svn/rvr/61052/someone/branches/1.2.x/someone/branches/Ver1.2.x/module/pom.xml HTTP/1.1" 404 317

I do not know why it looks like this.
