


New Task is only visible for admin user

Added by Daniel Küttel over 5 years ago

Hy there, I used the search Function, but didnt find an solution that worked for me.

  Redmine version                3.4.6.stable
  Ruby version                   2.3.1-p112 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
  Rails version                  4.2.8
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               Mysql2

Redmine plugins:
  additionals                    2.0.20
  clipboard_image_paste          1.13
  redmine_agile                  1.4.7
  redmine_checklists             3.1.11
  redmine_mentions               0.0.1

This steps, i have already done:
1. With Admin User changed to Tracker and generatet a new Tracker (Standardstat set NEW, assigned to the Project, copied the Workflow from another Tracker that is correctly working)
2. Checked in Workflow if the correct Roles can set the correct Status for the tracker (New Ticket has New)
3. I choose the new Tracker in the config

IST Situation:
As an Admin, i can see the new Tracker in the overview of the Project. As an Admin i can generate the Ticket with the new tracker. But none of the Project User can see it in the Overview and dont have the ne Tracker available.

I work now since 1 Years with Redmine, but now im confused an dont know where i made an mistake.

Can someone help me please?

PS: I have deletet the tracker and tried to generate it new: Same problem.

Greets Dan

Replies (2)

RE: New Task is only visible for admin user - Added by Lazaro Sosa over 5 years ago

Go to administration.
In roles and permissions, select a role and see Issues tracking at the end of the view, check that your tracker is marked for the role of the users members of the project where you created the tracker

RE: New Task is only visible for admin user - Added by Daniel Küttel over 5 years ago

Thank you, that was the solution. You can close the ticket. Thanks a lot :-)
