


How do I add pictures to a Wiki Page using the REST API.

Added by Aaron Dasani about 5 years ago

Alright,so i thought that uploading a picture to the wiki page using the rest api will let me write !picture_name! in my test file and the picture will display. But is does NOT. Which does not make any sense.

I made a post and put request to my redmine server and i am receiving both the text and the attachment pictures, however when i write !picture_name! the picture does not get display.

SO, How do we go about making a Wiki Page and be able to display pictures in the wiki page using the rest API.

Any help will appreciated. Thank you.

Replies (1)

RE: How do I add pictures to a Wiki Page using the REST API. - Added by Aaron Dasani about 5 years ago

Got is working my image conversion was wrong

i should have open the image with "rb" mode. i did not. i just read the file like this :, which is not right.
i did that and it worked:
Ruby Code:, 'rb') do |f|
    <Do the post request here for the attachment>
       response =, f, {:multipart => true, :content_type => 'application/octet-stream' })
       token = JSON.parse(response)['upload']['token']

    <if receive token, Do the put request >
        response = RestClient.put(wiki_url, { :attachments => {
                                              :attachment1 => { # the hash key gets thrown away - name doesn't matter
                                                :token => token,
                                                :filename => file_name,
                                                :description => file_description # optional
                                            :wiki_page => {
                                              :text => file_content # wiki_text # original wiki text


Check Out Rest client in Ruby
