Apache Configuration for 4.0.5 using CGI -- Missing file
Added by Michael King about 5 years ago
OS: CENTOS 7 Rails version 5.2.3 Ruby version 2.5.1-p57 (x86_64-linux) RubyGems version 2.7.6 Rack version 2.0.7 Environment: development Database adapter mysql2 Currently using Webrick for testing and on old system running Redmine 0.8
I just downloaded and setup Redmine 4.0.5 and went to setup Apache using CGI.
According to the documentation found in the How To section of the Wiki (https://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTo_configure_Apache_to_run_Redmine) it indicated we needed to:
- "Copy the public/dispatch.cgi.example to public/dispatch.cgi"
However the file dispatch.cgi does not exist only dispatch.fcgi.example.
The documentation implies that we could use mod_fcgid or mod_fastcgi but indicates these are not needed (Under Myths in Centos install).
So how do you setup CGI or do we now need to use mod_fcgid and/or mod_fastcgi; and if so which is better?
(I did see the discussion later in the HowTo under the title mod_fastcgi, but it too indicated we should be able to run in CGI and actually suggested we do this first)
I have the system installed and running using webrick having converted our data from older Redmine, but want to convert native Apache (and ideally SSL)